All services are canceled and The Fellowship will be closed. Stay safe and Warm!
Canceled due to weather
Sunday, february 11th
Canceled due to weather
Sunday, february 11th
All services are canceled and The Fellowship will be closed. Stay safe and Warm!
Upcoming Events
Fellowship dinner
Join The Fellowship for a hearty meal featuring lasagna at 6:15pm.
Then stay for bible study at 7pm.
sunday bible study of psalm continues
The Psalms can be called “the heart of the Old Testament.” Not only because when you open your Bible to the middle, or the “heart” of it, you will likely find psalms, but also because they work in our hearts. This book of the bible is a collection of 150 songs that express a variety of emotions. It is a collection of songs which give us theological insights into God. The Psalms serve as a vehicle for the prayers and praise of God’s people in Israel and today.
You do not hear of many studies on this book of the Old Testament. Come and join us as we look into the Psalms.
cold weather comfort food
beef stew
On Wednesday, February 8th Beef Stew with cornbread will be served
for the Fellowship Dinner this month.
Wednesday Jan 11th
Fellowship dinner
Santa Fe stew
Thanksgiving meal
wednesday November 2nd
Hebrews 13:15
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
wEDNESDAY, 9/7/2022, 6:15PM
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